School Fundraising Letters to Parents [Free Templates] | Vanco

Parent Helping Daughter Out with School Fundraiser

With schools across the country facing budget shortages, there is an ever growing need to send school fundraising letters to parents year-round. These letters are either handwritten or typed and used to ask for monetary donations, in-kind donations, sponsorships, auction items, volunteers and more. The most effective school fundraising letters spell out a specific financial need, outline how parents can get involved, use powerful stories and imagery to create a bond between the parents and the school and personally thank donors for past gifts and support.

Keep reading to learn about the best practices for writing an effective fundraising letter to parents and download free sample fundraising letters for schools .

Table of Contents

Best Practices for Writing a School Fundraising Letter to Parents

Before we get into a few of the templates and sample fundraising letters for schools, it’s best to cover a few best practices. Some of these best practices might seem fairly obvious to some, but there actually is an art to creating the perfect fundraising letter to parents. Take just a minute to read through some of the top guidelines before embarking on your own letter.

Gather the Information

Before you begin creating and crafting a school fundraising letter to parents, you first need to gather all the information you need. The last thing you want to do is leave out the need-to-know information or have to hunt for it when you're writing the letter.

The following is information you'll need to include in the letter to parents when you're raising money.

This will reduce the need for parents to reach out to you, asking questions that can be answered within the letter you send home with students.

Ensure You Grab People's Attention

How will you get parents to care about your fundraiser and grab their attention? Whether you’re looking to do a school spirit wear fundraiser or a special event, it all starts with introducing the fundraising letter. Focus on why you're asking for donations in the first place.

The best way to get people to engage with your fundraiser is to tell your story at the beginning of the letter. The point is to persuade the person reading it to feel a personal obligation to donate to your cause or to help their children obtain sales from others.

The language you use in the letter should be as direct as possible because if it's too general it will not move the reader in the way you're hoping it will. The more concise and direct the letter is, the higher your chances are of receiving the donation you're asking for.


Be Genuine

The last thing parents want to do is read a letter that is only focused on making money. When you're writing a school fundraising letter to parents, it's essential to be honest and genuine in the letter.

The letter should be written professionally , yet be perceived as warm. After all, you're asking people to donate their hard-earned money, and if the tone of your letter comes across as cold, you're not going to have the effect you're hoping for.

148 Fundraising Ideas That Really Work

Keep It Short and Sweet

When fundraising for schools, keeping the letter as short as possible is crucial. There's not enough time in the day to read a letter several pages long. A school fundraising letter to parents that is too long will lose its impact. Another reason to keep the letter short is to ensure you pack in the information needed in the post and cut out unnecessary details and fluff.

However, be careful not to make the letter too short and leave out details that will help you persuade people to donate to your school fundraisers. Now, with the understanding of these useful tips to help you write an effective fundraising letter, here are some fundraising ideas that you might consider using for this upcoming school fundraising season.

School Fundraising Letters to Parents Templates

Not every fundraiser is alike. That’s why we built six templates. These fundraising letters to parents were built based on the best practices that have helped schools raise money for decades. Read carefully through the free templates and see which one works best for the fundraiser your school is looking to set up. These templates can be used as is with a few modifications, or they can be used as a source for inspiration for your own creations. As a bonus, we’ve also included a sample fundraising letter for schools to send to local businesses to secure sponsorships.


Template #1: School Fundraising Letter to Parents - Standard Fundraiser 1

Successful school fundraising letters to parents do three things:

1. Get the parents invested in the problem.

2. Ask the parents to get involved.

3. Explain what the parents can do next.

The following template serves as a basic framework that can work for any school fundraiser. It includes bracketed areas for you to insert information regarding the recipient, financial goal, contact information and other details. It is short and straightforward -- perfect for busy parents .

Dear [Name of Parent]:

Each year our school strives to provide the best in educational and extracurricular resources to our students. To achieve our goals, we rely on fundraisers and the support of generous donations throughout the school year.

This year, our goal is [insert goal here]. Our targeted goal is to reach [dollar amount] to pay for [insert goal or accomplishment].

We are hoping for your help in achieving this goal. Parents can get involved by volunteering with the fundraiser or by giving a donation(s).

We are asking students to help with the project by [doing an activity]. Stay tuned for additional opportunities to assist your child and their peers with this exciting activity.

For more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at [email address] or [phone number]. I'm happy to answer questions about how to get involved with the [fundraiser]. You can also visit [website] or [Facebook page] to learn more.

If you wish to make a donation, please make checks payable to [who]. You will find a self-addressed stamped envelope included in this letter. Or you can donate online at [website].

I look forward to working with you and your child to help [school name] achieve this special goal.

P.S. Thank you for your consideration in helping our school raise [dollar amount] to [restate goal or accomplishment]. Together we can make a difference!

Template #2: School Fundraising Letter to Parents - Standard Fundraiser 2

The template below is a variation of the standard fundraising template above. It can be used as a baseline framework for any fundraising letter your school or organization may need to send. While the first template was short and got straight to the point, this template has an emotion-driven approach .

Dear [Name of Parent]:

[Begin with an inspiring or emotional story to make the reader feel invested in this project. Keep it short -- two to three sentences should suffice].

This school year, we are [insert problem you're trying to solve]. We have been hard at work [insert one or two activities you are already undertaking], but we need your help to make this dream a reality.

Please consider donating [suggested amount] to help us [restate your goal]?

Your donation will go toward [what] and have a positive impact on [people affected]. If you cannot give at this level, any amount of support will have an impact on achieving this important goal.

To donate, please send a check made out to [who] in the self-addressed stamped envelope included in this letter or you can donate online at [website].

You can also help us by volunteering for the fundraiser by registering at [insert link]

If you have questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me at [email address] or [phone number]. You can also learn more at [website] or [Facebook page].

With warm regards,

P.S. We thank you for your consideration. Together, we can [restate the problem you're trying to solve].

Template #3: School Fundraising Letter to Parents - Standard Fundraiser 3

This standard fundraising template can be used for any school fundraiser . It includes a section allowing parents to volunteer in addition to (or instead of) making a donation. For that reason, this template could easily be reworked into a volunteer request letter.

Dear [Name of Parent]:

At [name of school], we are able to provide an outstanding educational experience to students through rigorous academics, diverse extracurricular activities and a thriving sports program.

Fundraisers, volunteers and the support of generous donors go a long way in providing these valuable resources to students.

This year, we’ve set a goal of raising [amount] to [insert desired goal or accomplishment].

We are writing to request your support in making this vision a reality for [those it will benefit].

A donation of [suggested amount] would make a big difference in helping us achieve our goal. If you are not able to give at this level, a donation of any amount would be sincerely appreciated.

A [fundraiser event] will be held [when] at [where]. If you are interested in volunteering at the event, please get in touch with me at [email address] or [phone number]. We would be thrilled for you to become part of our volunteer team!

To donate, please mail a check payable to [who] using the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. Or you can donate online at [website].

Thank you for your support! It is thanks to parents like you that we are able to make [name of school] an enriching environment of learning.

P.S. Thank you for your support in raising [dollar amount] to [restate goal or accomplishment].


Template #4: Fundraising for Schools - Formal Letter

The following template is another variation of a standard fundraising letter but with a more formal tone. This template could be used for requesting larger donations or could easily be reworked using school admin software to reach out to alumni or to request corporate contributions.

Dear [Name of Parent]:

Each year [full name of school] strives to deliver students the best academic and extracurricular opportunities. Thanks to the support of parents like you, we have been able to [include a brief success story].

This academic year, we are striving to achieve a similar result by [insert desired goal or accomplishment]. Our initiative is to invest in our students by [how the goal will help students].

We write this letter requesting your help in bringing this positive change to the student body at [school]. We would sincerely appreciate your involvement as a volunteer with this fundraiser, or we would welcome a donation of [suggested amount] However, any amount you are able to donate will make a tremendous impact on our students here at [insert school name].

With this fundraiser, we hope to [restate the positive impact of the fundraiser]. This mission will expose your child to new educational opportunities and new ways to thrive in an academic setting.

If you would like to donate, please send a [check] made out to [who]. We have included a self-addressed stamped envelope with this letter. Or you can donate online at [website].

To learn more, please contact me at [email address] or [phone number]. You can also visit our [website] or [Facebook page].

P.S. Thank you for your consideration in helping our school raise [dollar amount] to [restate goal or accomplishment].

Template #5: Parent-to-Parent Fundraising Letter

Sometimes the most effective fundraising campaigns happen when parents reach out to one another. This template is for parent volunteers already involved in your fundraiser to encourage other parents to get on board .

Dear [Name of Parent]:

As a fellow parent at [name of school], I know we all want the best educational and extracurricular opportunities for our kids. That's why I've gotten involved in our school's fundraiser to [insert the goal].

By [deadline], we are hoping to raise [dollar amount] to [restate the goal]. We have already [name one or two activities you are currently doing], but we need your help to get across the finish line.

Will you consider making a contribution to our campaign? A gift of [suggested amount] can make a significant impact toward [achieving the goal]. If you can't give at this level, we would appreciate any donation you feel comfortable offering. If you would like to make a donation, please find the self-addressed stamped envelope enclosed here. Please make checks payable to [who]. You can also donate online at [website].

To learn more, you can reach out to me at [email address] or [phone number]. You can also visit [website] or [Facebook page].

Your dedication and support of our students is greatly appreciated. . We couldn't make [name of school] great without parents like you.

P.S. Thank you for your consideration! With your help, we can [restate the desired goal or accomplishment].

Template #6: Volunteer Request Letter

The following template is designed to recruit parent volunteers for a school fundraiser. The template helps the reader understand how getting involved can have a positive impact on the school and, ultimately, their child. It also details the tasks and time commitment that volunteering would entail.

Dear [Name of Parent]:

"Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together."

When people come together at [name of school], amazing things happen. [Insert a brief success story].

We can make a difference again. We are currently [insert desired goal or accomplishment] to benefit [group of people].

To achieve our goal, we need the help of concerned parents like you. We would like to invite you to be part of [fundraising event] as a volunteer.

On [date], we'll be [doing what] to [accomplish what].

If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the enclosed information sheet to let us know which tasks you're interested in and the hours you're available. [Insert instruction for how sheet can be returned].

If you have questions, don't hesitate to call me at [phone number] or email [email address].

We would love to have you on board!

P.S. Thank you for considering volunteering at [fundraising event]. With your help, we can [restate goal] to help [group you are benefiting].

Template #7: Event Sponsorship Letter

Sponsorship letters are similar to school fundraising letters to parents. The main difference is that sponsorships are usually tied to events like walk-a-thons, bake sales or school carnivals. Sponsorships may also have various tiers of giving and incentives attached to each level and are typically targeted to community-based businesses and local leaders Following is a sample fundraising letter for schools to use when requesting sponsorships rather than donations.

As a valued leader in our community, we know you have a big heart for [name of community] and the students at [name of school]. Because of your dedication to making [name of community] a better place, we would like to invite you to be part of our [upcoming event] to [goal of the event].

[Event] will take place on [date] at [location]. We hope to raise [amount] to [insert goal or accomplishment here].

We are currently looking for sponsors to help us achieve this goal. Can we count on you to help?

[Tier 1 Level Sponsor: Dollar Amount]

[Tier 2 Level Sponsor: Dollar Amount]

[Tier 3 Level Sponsor: Dollar Amount]

As a thank you for your generosity, we would like to offer you the following:

[Tier 1 Level Sponsor: Incentive]

[Tier 2 Level Sponsor: Incentive]

[Tier 3 Level Sponsor: Incentive]

With your help, we can make [event] our best one yet!

To sponsor, please send a check payable to [who] in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. Or you can donate online at [website].

If you have questions about [event], please reach out to me at [email address] or [phone number].

We look forward to working with you at [event].

P.S. Thank you for your consideration in sponsoring [event] to [insert goal or accomplishment here].

Simplify Fundraising with Software Built for Schools

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Maximize school donations and contributions with the perfect school fundraising software. Depending on the fundraising software you use for your school, you can have a whole ecommerce store set up for you, no DIY necessary. This school store, which also makes it easy to accept contributions, will run around the clock, raising revenue for key programs that might not have enough traditional funding. Discover how easy it is to get started with one of the most powerful fundraising tools available. It only takes seven minutes to get started. Watch our short online demo .


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