Melbourne pathology my health record

An up-to-date, complete, online instruction guide for all tests, including guidance on required collection containers, billing, testing schedules and transport requirements.

SNP staff member on head set

Electronic results

Melbourne Pathology offers a variety of electronic result options. Sonic Dx Results provides real-time access to your patient's results, any time, any where. You can also download results directly into your Practice Management Software.

Patient drinking water

Pre-test information

For some tests, some patient preparation is involved. Melbourne Pathology provides pre-test information for patients to ensure they follow the requirements to complete each test.


Critical results

Critical results are def i ned as results outside critical limits def i ned by our pathologists. Specif i c procedures are in place in the laboratories to ensure that every effort is made to contact the referring doctor or other medical practitioner responsible for treating the patient.

Molecular scientist 1

Test advice

Melbourne Pathology receives many requests for advice on pathology tests appropriate to various clinical conditions. We have compiled a checklist to assist. This list should only be regarded as a prompt to assist the busy practitioner.


Investigative Protocols

Investigative protocols assist in the understanding of each test. The relevant investigative protocol and/or patient note may be attached to your patient's printed or electronic result.

Pathology supplies order form

Complete the form below and submit to Melbourne Pathology via email or fax to the Supply Department.

Cervical screening - information for doctors

On December 1, 2017, cervical cancer screening in Australia changed from two-yearly Pap testing to five-yearly HPV testing.